Piemonteforyou / Sports / Air sports / Air Sports
Air Sports
The first Italian Bungee Centre was founded in 1993, near Biella. Jumpers from all over Italy flock to the centre: its high launch area is particularly appreciated.
From jumping to flying, Piemonte is particularly well equipped for air sports. There are many important parachute clubs in small airports and numerous landing fields.
Gliders: Fly freely in the air. Learn to exploit the wind and recognize invisible corridors in the sky formed by air currents. Take advantage of thermals. These are instructions contained in Leonardo Da Vinci’s precious “Treatise upon the Flight of Birds” compiled in 1506 and preserved in the National Library of Torino. Glider enthusiasts can turn to one of the many airfields, structures and schools present in Piemonte.
Hang gliding and paragliding: The great thermals in proximity to the Alpine mountain range and the superb views are irresistible attractions for wind flying fans. There are many sites in the Lanzo and Biella valleys, and the mountain ranges in Cuneo, which are perfect bases for the modern versions of Da Vinci’s “flying machines”. Many clubs and schools welcome beginners.
Parachuting: Throughout the years, parachuting fans have exploded in number, organizing various events with internationally famous champions. Today, the sport can be practised in Cumiana, Garzigliana, Torino, Casale Monferrato, Novi Ligure, Asti, Vercelli and Cuneo. Many of these clubs also offer the chance to try new flying disciplines, like free-flying and sky-surfing.
Hot-air ballooning: Many clubs organise flights every day of the year. Most of the departures are from Mondovì, Bene Vigienna, and Barolo, flying over the spectacular hills and vineyards of Langhe.